法国食品接触橡胶制品和婴幼儿奶嘴新法令Decree of 5 Auguest 2020
Arrêtédu 5 août 2020Decree of 5 August 2020 relating to rubber materials and products intended to comeinto contact with foodstuffs, nipples and pacifiers for infants and young children
2020 年 8 月 11 日,法国发布了关于食品接触橡胶和婴幼儿奶嘴的新法令 Decree of 5 August 2020,该法令取代并废除了之前的旧法令Decree of 9 November 1994,并将于 2021 年 7 月 1 日生效。
France published new Decree of 5 August 2020 relating on rubber materials and products intended to come into contact with foodstuffs, nipples and pacifiers
for infants and young children. The new Decree replaces and repeals the old decree of 9 November 1994 and will be come into force on July 1, 2021.
新法令主要更新内容如下 Mainly updated content of the new Decree as below:
1. 管控范围 Scope:橡胶包括硫化的热塑性弹性体,但不包含硅胶;Rubber include vulcanized thermoplastic elastomers, but exclude silicone;
2. 新的授权清单 New positive list:单体和初始物质,添加剂等;Monomers and starting substance, additives, etc;
3. 符合性声明的要求;Declaration of conformity;
4. 新的测试要求(如下表);New test requirement as below table;
测试项目Test item | New Decree 新法令(Decree of 5 Auguest 2020) | Old Decree 旧法令(Decree of 9 November 1994) |
全面迁移 Overall migration | 限制Limit:10mg/dm2 or 60mg/kg | |
有机挥发物VOM | 限制Limit:0.5%±0.1% | 限制Limit:0.5% |
亚硝酸和亚硝胺物质 N-Nitrosamines and Nitrosable substance | 同旧法令 Same as Old Decree | 亚硝胺N-Nitrosamines:1ug/dm2 or 0.01mg/kg 亚硝胺物质Nitrosable substance:10ug/dm2 or 0.1mg/kg |
迁移芳香胺 Specific migration of aromatic amine | 初级芳香胺Primary aromatic:0.01mg/kg; 初级+次级芳香胺 Primary+Secondary aromatic amine:1mg/kg | 限制Limit:1mg/kg |
迁移甲醛 Specific migration of formaldehyde | 甲醛 Formaldehyde:3mg/kg 环六亚甲基四胺+甲醛 hexamethylenetetramine and formaldehyde:15mg/kg | 甲醛 Formaldehyde:3mg/kg |
过氧化值 Peroxide | 同旧法令 Same as Old Decree | 限制Limit:Absent |
迁移重金属 Specific migration of heavy metal | 钡(Ba):1.2mg/kg,铜(Cu):4mg/kg,铝(AI):1mg/kg,锌(Zn):5mg/kg | 无 |
重金属含量 Heavy metal content | 铅,镉,锑,汞,砷总含量之和:1mg/kg Sum of Total content of Pb,Cd,Sb,Hg,As:1mg/kg | 无 |
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